Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy anniversary to us! 04/18/09

I'm IN LOVE and I don't care who knows!

I feel as if my heart could swell to infinite proportions with emotion.

These past two years have hands down been the best two years of my life.
I'm married to the most interesting, handsome and tender man I've ever met. He is truly my hero.

It's a strange and beautiful phenomena the way love can grow. I've never been more in love than I am right now. I've also never been more loved than I am right now, and from here on out it will just grow as we start adding our own children to the equation.

Love is the only thing in the world that multiplies when you share it with others.

I have a firm belief that no matter what happens, life will always feel wonderful to me as long as I can grow love.

To celebrate our Cotton Anniversary, Kimball planned a lovely date.
We went to a store and each picked out our favorite cologne/perfume for the other to wear. Clever! Kimball was surprised to note that the one he agreed with me on in the blind test was one by USHER.
I was hoping it would make him start pulling some sweet moves in the street...
On second thought, he would probably do that on his own.

Kimball then took me to a fondue restaurant where an acquaintance of ours works. He was our waiter and by dessert time he came out with some lovely roses and a box (sneaky Kimball had it all planned out) containing a very thoughtfully selected piece of jewelry that made me a little teary eyed.

We had a smashing time!

24 roses.

Motherhood IS where it's at.

To a fantastic union built to last forever!
May we always make the best of every situation tossed at us in life and live in love and happiness.